Robert M. Price, born in 1954 in Jackson, Mississippi, moved to New Jersey in 1965. Two decades later he and his wife Qarol moved to Mount Olive, North Carolina, where he taught at Mount Olive College. In 1989, they returned to New Jersey where Bob pastored a Baptist congregation, then a living room congregation called The Grail. Bob earned two Ph.D. degrees from Drew University, one in Systematic Theology (1981), the other in New Testament (1993). He has taught at Montclair State College, Bergen Community College, Drew University, Unification Theological Seminary, and Johnnie Colemon Theological Seminary. He is the author of some 50 published books on the Bible and Theology as well as editing 35 fiction anthologies. He has published scores of academic articles in religion and some 60 short stories in the horror and heroic fantasy genres. He serves as editor of Crypt of Cthulhu, Eldritch Tales, Flashing Swords, and the Journal of Higher Criticism. He has been a Fellow of the Jesus Seminar. He hosts The Bible Geek podcast and is frequently interviewed on other podcasts. He is a leading figure in the study of H.P. Lovecraft as well as a maverick biblical scholar.

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